The Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) is pleased to inform stakeholders, regulators, supporters, detractors, friends, enemies and the general public that we will be moving to a new address AS OF 1 DECEMBER 2018:
Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC)
285 McLeod Street, Suite 200
Ottawa, ON K2P 1A1
Please note that our telephone number remains the same: 613-562-4002 and our fax number: 613-562-0007.
In addition, our email addresses, website address and social media handles all remain the same.
Please Help!
PIAC is experiencing an acute cash shortage as we wait for delayed regulatory awards, cover moving expenses and face the changing practice of consumer advocacy. If you like our work or at least want PIAC to survive and thrive, please consider giving. PIAC is a national, federally incorporated not-for-profit and a registered charity. Individuals will receive a tax receipt for any donations. Please follow the easy links below for online donation through CanadaHelps:
$500.00 – Regulatory Captive Level
$350.00 – Regulatory Junkie Level
$250.00 – Public Advocate Level
$150.00 – PIAC Supporter Level
$Other – Consumer Level
Alternatively, you may print off and complete the form:
Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Email: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Company (if any): ______________________________________________ Phone: ______________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Payment Method: Card # _______________________________________________________________________________________
Expiry # ____________________________________________________ Cheque: __________________________
Cheques payable to: PUBLIC INTEREST ADVOCACY CENTRE, 285 McLeod Street, Suite 200, Ottawa, ON K2P 1A1. Thank you!